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SEI, Fokupers Held Plan For Implementing National Action On Gender Based Violence

Dili, June 01, 2014 (TVDJ) – The Secretary of State for Equality (SEI) together with Fokupers held a round of discussions to strengthen VBJ’s integration work, ensuring the implementation of gender compromise through gender-sensitive financial allocations at ONG 2025. This discussion was held at the Hotel Timor.

According to SEI, Elvina Sousa Carvalho, the aim of this round of meetings was to discuss the allocation of insufficient funds for the implementation of national action on gender-based violence.

 “The aim of this round of meetings is between SEI and the ranks of Ministries or Ministries implementing the civil society plan, especially Fokupers, and to obtain financial support from the European Union and through the ranks of ministries who carry out dialogue and discussions, discussing the insufficient funding allocation for the implementation of national action against gender-based violence.” SEI said

She added that the most important topic in this discussion was to focus more on how to increase investment for the national gender-based violence action plan in ONG 2025.

As Executive Director of Fokupers, Maria Fátima P. Guterres stated that this discussion aims to ensure the implementation of VBJ by considering the important plans that have been written in gender compromise so that they can be included in gender-sensitive financial allocation plans.

“This discussion is being held because we are currently in the state financial cycle in general, in the planning cycle, this discussion is to discuss with the line ministries so that as the main authors of VBJ implementation they can consider the important plans that have been written regarding gender compromise to allocate funds.” Said the Executive Director

She continued, how can we further strengthen mechanisms and cooperation between partners, implementing organizations, relevant ministries to answer VBJ problems, both in terms of health, education and the reintegration process, as well as how to look for a better direction, empowered economic partners are also present here such as the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Interior, SEFOPE and has support from the European Union, World Vision

“The cases registered by Fokupers regarding gender-based violence come from the Municipality, and the capital of Dili which is collected by Fokupers regarding cases of natural gender-based violence, including domestic violence, abuse that is more related to physical violence, and has also abandoned cases from partners. ” She said

To further explained that the most cases registered by Fokupers were from the Municipalities of Ermera, Liquiça, Ainaro, Covalima, Bobinaro, including Dili this year from January to April, having registered a total of 65 cases, cases registered by Fokupers such as natural violence based on gender, including domestic violence, violence that is more related to physical violence, partner neglect, sexual violence, sexual harassment, including cases of insets.

Reported by    : Adriana/ Albina/ Basilio

Picture by        : Albina

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