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Udan Semana Ida Ne’e Nia Laran Iha Sidade Dili, Afeta Mós Ba Lixu Sira Naklekar Iha Fatin-Fatin Inklui Estrada Públiku No Valeta Sira

Dili, 15 March 2024 (TVDJ) –  For a week it rained in the capital, Dili, that also affected by rubbish in various places which included in common road and the most terrible was the gutters filled with rubbish, like empty bottle, boxes, iron, plastics and others.

According to Abrão do Rosario Soares that, as a students who everyday always goes to school from his home in the capital, Dili, almost a week he saw many rubbish which scattered on the road that affected or threaten from these huge amount of rubbish on common road.

 “Let’s look at the area of Caicoli, when it’s rainy season every drain was full of rubbish and from this it showed that, all the rubbish which was thrown away in several place on the road mostly it was thrown away by the society, it means that the society is the one who causes flood in the capital, Dili.” Inform by Abrão to Journalist of TVDJ in Mascarenhas.

This student adds that, all the rubbish which scattered in some area like Caicoli, Bidau, Vila-Verde, Comoro, Fatuhada, Tasi-Tolu and others, many plastics and empty bottles was found in every road.

On other part, academic student (UNTL), Caitano Aquino Menezes in enclosure of Faculdade Filosofia UNTL states that, according to his observation during a week, all the rubbish which thrown away on road was a huge amount.

He believes that, the impact is from societies themselves, because they thrown away the rubbish not in it place, and we throw away the rubbish like empty bottle, plastics just haphazard on the road, that’s why, it can affeted to flood, and it can destroy the population’s house and things, and all of this was impacted by the societies themselves who do not maintain cleanliness.

 “We as citizens also should have self-awareness to throw the rubbish in it place or to throw to trash bins which provided by the Government, but we should throw it into the rubbish bins not throw it outside of the rubbish bin, because when suddenly it rained it can flow down the drain, so it closed the way of rainwater to flow, and that’s how can affeted the flood.” Said by that academic student in Caicoli

This student recommend to the Government to control all the Chinese market, because they also use the rubbish bin that provided by the Government, they shold bring all their rubbish and thrown it in Tibar by their car. The community also have to contribute from throw the rubbish in it palce so that it will reduces the flood.

Previously, in AMD hall Caicoli Dili, the Director of Servisu Munisipal Agua Saneamentu no Ambiente Herminio Moniz Ribeiro stated that, the equipaments and modern transportation to clean the rubbish was already arrived in Dili, to do their job. These transportation will delivery to Pax Company, that will take the responsibility of cleaning the rubbish in Capital, Dili.

Report by: Flavio Suni.

Pictures by: Flavio

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