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Making Tais To Support Family Needs

Dili, July 03 2024, (Média Democracia) – Iria de Deus, who work as Tais makers, said that local Tais is an ancestral culture that we must pass on to future generations.

In the interview with Iria de Deus, she said that in Ermera they always use local Tais when attending a traditional ceremony, because this is a tradition from our ancestors, therefore our future generations must follow it. In addition, the next generation must learn to make Tais because Tais shows our identity.

“I made Tais since my children were small until now they are adults and some are married and some are still at school, my children can also make Tais because I taught them. I told them that local Tais is a culture passed down from our ancestors, that’s why we have to continue making Tais so as not to lose our identity.” Iria said

She continued, in Ermera Tais what they make is different from other municipalities, both in the motifs and colors of the cotton they use, in addition it is also different due to different cultural factors and traditions.

“The Tais that my children and I make, we collect together. I sell them at the local Tais market in Colmera to earn money to meet my family’s needs, also to pay my children’s school fees and partly to buy materials for making Tais. We bring the Tais that we make ourselves and we sell them at different prices, some for $25.00 to $50.00 because these local Tais are of good quality.” She continued

She added that as a citizen living in a democratic country, she asked the government to have good ideas to promote local Tais produced in every municipality, and the government must have a good strategy to make imported Timorese Tais on the international market so that the people who make Tais can have more energy to continue making Tais.

Reported by    : Domingas

Picture by        : Domingas

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