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MAE/UNTL Sign Cooperation to Support Village Administration System

Dili, 02 July 2024 (Média Democracia) – Joint agreement between Universidade Nacional Timor Lorosa’e to establish a work agreement to provide work assistance to local governments, especially providing assistance to village administration. This event was held at the Secretariado da Comissao de Altunível Institucional Da Vizita de Sua Santidade Papa Francisco, Motael Dili, this Tuesday.

UNTL Chancellor, João Soares Martins said, in accordance with the agreement on cooperation between the Universidade Nacional Timor Lorosa’e and the Ministry of State Administration to focus on how the two parties can collaborate to support administration in villages and sub-village.

“Therefore, it is a big advantage for UNTL, especially for our Public Administration Department, that our students can do internships in villages and sub-villages, so that students can provide assistance to help modernize the administrative system in villages and also lectures can run and supervise support description, changes and sharing information with all village heads.” Said the Chancellor of UNTL.

He continued, so that ambition cannot have status, it must be dynamic, which is why it is a big advantage for the University to share knowledge about public administration systems in villages.

“Because of changes, now we have entered the era of digitalization but we are still writing on paper, so how can we adapt to modernization based on the technological advances we have, as we know that we are currently in a world of digitalization. Therefore, it is a great advantage for universities to be able to share knowledge about administration and they can also learn how the administration system works at the villages and sub-villages level.” He continued

The Chancellor informed that he asked students to support villages through the University’s internship curriculum where students must follow all the regulations before completing their studies.

“Therefore, we must design an internship curriculum that more appropriately meets our needs. At the same time, we still have an agreement for the students to do internships like they do on site, fetching water, helping with community work there, but thinking that way we can make the work more organized, better.” The Chancellor informed

He said, this year the program can be implemented, because only the Political Administration Department can implement this agreement, what is certain is that universities can work together with the State Administration to find out MAE’s orientation to implement it, therefore when the interns leave for the field they can adapt to the situation in the village.


As Minister of State Administration, Tomás do Rosário Cabral said that for almost 20 years there had been no good public administration, therefore through this agreement we provide support to village governments to carry out good management.

“We all know that for almost 20 years Timor-Leste has still not achieved good public administration, therefore through this agreement we can support public administration, especially in villages and sub-villages, to harmonize local government management well.” Said Minister of State Administration Tomas do Rosário Cabral in Motael, Dili, this Tuesday

He added that this government agreement through MAE and UNTL is very important, because it can strengthen cooperation and work well for the development of public administration, how to work well and fortify public administration starting from the basics, therefore this agreement is very important, it can develop better and continue to work so that can be closer to the community, how can carry out good management.

“We see that UNTL students have good qualifications and have good coordination to work in the social and administrative fields at the local level, especially in villages and hamlets, working conditions and administrative developments, and collaborating with local governments to increase local power to be more effective.” He said

He emphasized that this collaboration between MAE-UNTL is not the first time but it is the second time, therefore today he wants to continue efforts to develop public administration in villages and sub-villages so that they can be active and organized, because Timor-Leste is almost included in ASEAN, it is necessary to have adequate good preparation, how public administration functions from local to national must run smoothly, in order to organize politics for the development of public administration in Timor-Leste

Therefore, this cooperation agreement will be implemented for four years starting from 2024 to 2028. Need to inform that this agreement with UNTL is the second, the first being with PDHJ regarding Human Rights for Good Governance. Second, regarding assistance with village government structures, specifically 18 books and trying to add one more book discussing Population Monographs, as well as creating an 8th population census book in the future so that cooperation can be established.

Reported by    : Estefánia & Basílio

Picture by        : Estefánia

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