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Contract Teachers Considered Minister Of Education Against Resolution Of The National Parliament

Dili, June 27 2024 (Média Democracia) – The contract teachers held a press conference against the Minister of Education regarding the parliamentary resolution, therefore they will completely block activities at the Ministry of Education office if there is no solution to their concerns. This activity was carried out at Jardim 5 de Maio, Colmera, Dili.

According to MC, Agustinho Pinto, a contract teacher, said that the Minister of Education against the parliament’s decision not to consider the rights of contract teachers under the public function law, because the national parliament overwhelmingly supported and unanimously assessed them to renew their contracts.

“The Minister of Education opposes the National Patliament resolution, because the Parliament asked the Minister to carry out an assessment of contract teachers not to select them but to carry out performance evaluations, but she has opposed Law no. 19/2011 which states that the performance evaluation of employees, to recontract contract teachers based on the public function law, therefore asks the Minister of Education to be able to carry it out based on what was stated by the PN that it supports votes unanimously to carry out the evaluation so that it can be renewed contract based on the laws in force in this country, because the Minister of Education has not yet carried out an evaluation.” Said Agustinho Pinto.

He also added that the Minister of Education has not carried out a performance evaluation of contract teachers so that starting July 8 will mobilize contract teachers from 13 Municipalities including RAEOA to take passive action and will completely block activities at the Ministry of Education office, if there is no solution and will completely block activities Education in the territory of Timor-Leste.

“We have written a notification letter to the Ministry of Education and the national Parliament that starting July 8 they will not reactivate our contract based on the National Parleament resolution because the decision is in the hands of citizens, so we will completely block educational activities, because the Minister is not carrying out her program and does not comply with the parliament’s decision. We suggest to the National Parliament not to allocate funds to the Minister of Education because morally she no longer has political power over programs regarding how to guarantee the quality of education, and she does not consider the resolutions of the National Parliament and listen to the ideas of the National Parliament, the President of the Republic and the Prime Minister, because the National Parliament represents the population, so we continue to demand our rights in accordance with the position guaranteed in K-RDTL regarding labor law and we will move forward based on Parliament’s decision.” He said

Contract teachers are also committed to not being afraid to defend their rights when the government does not consider them based on article 6 K-RDTL that the state has the right and obligation to guarantee the basic rights of citizens, if there is no solution then they will together with AMTL take action passive towards the Minister of Education because consider the Minister does not have the political morals to develop the education sector, so far she has neglected students in the learning process due to a lack of teachers.

Reported by                : Basilio

Picture by                    : Basilio

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