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AJTL held a press release regarding the tentative case of the RAEOA protocol to journalist "Tatóli"

Dili, June 6, 2024 (TVDJ) – The Association of Timor-Leste Journalists (AJTL) held a press release regarding the tentative case of the RAEOA protocol for “Tatóli” journalists on June 4 2024. This press release was held at the AJTL office, Fatuhada.

According to MC Acacio Pinto, media and journalists need freedom to carry out their duties anywhere, especially in public spaces such as state institutions in the RDTL constitution articles 40 and 41.

“In a political regime system, there is scope for press freedom. Media and journalists need freedom to carry out their duties anywhere, especially in public spaces such as state institutions. In this context, there needs to be guarantees in the form of state apparatus so that media and journalists are free to access all information related to public work without being off-side. Free space and freedom to access media and journalist information is already in the RDTL constitution articles 40 and 41, guarantees of press freedom are also in the Social Communications Law, Article 8 and other articles of the Social Communications Law.” Acacio said.

He added that AJTL has been advocating to encourage and strengthen press freedom and freedom of expression in democratic countries, seeing that the personal violence action protocol (RAEOA) faced by the Tatóli journalist Abilio Elo Nini as an obstacle that is detrimental to press freedom and democratic values.

“AJTL, which has been advocating to encourage and strengthen press freedom and freedom of expression in democratic countries, sees the personal violence action (RAEOA) protocol faced by journalist Tatóli Abilio Elo Nini on June 4 2024 as an obstacle to journalism freedom and press freedom in Timor -Leste, as stated in the RDTL constitution, articles 40 and 41 as well as article 41 of the social communications law concerning barbarism against free information. The violent actions against journalist Tatoli have harmed press freedom and democratic values ​​in Timor-Leste.” He continued

He argued that related to acts of violence that have an impact on press freedom and AJTL opposes and condemns acts of violence against Tatóli journalists who carry out irresponsible RAEOA private protocols because acts of violence will harm journalists and the media in the context of coverage.

“AJTL sees that acts of violence will affect the ranking of the press freedom index in the coming years, based on the facts and situations that have been mentioned, AJTL would like to convey its position as follows; AJTL opposes and condemns acts of violence against journalists Tatóli which were carried out due to RAEOA’s irresponsible private protocols because these acts of violence will harm journalists and the media in the context of news coverage and publication, especially to guarantee the media’s social control role. AJTL also considers that acts of violence do not show the democratic mentality of private state entities to ensure good governance and accountability in the democratic country of Timor-Leste, but show a vandalism mentality to prevent media and journalists from accessing related information with public works.” He said

In addition, AJTL asked the RAEOA president to take strong action and impose sanctions against private protocols who carry out acts of violence against Tatóli journalists in public spaces, and asked SECOMS to communicate with all institutions to respect the work of journalists, and also asks all journalists to continue to follow the journalist code of ethics.

“With this position, AJTL asks the president of RAEOA, Mr. Tiago Lobato to take firm action and impose sanctions on the private protocols who committed acts of violence against journalist Tatóli in a public space in Oe-cusee, Ambeno. Ask SECOMS to communicate with all state institutions to respect the work and collaboration of media and journalists so that they can freely access public spaces to access information without hindrance. The press council and journalists’ associations to continue to socialize the social communication law to state entities, especially the RAEOA entity to understand the role of the media and journalists in this democratic country, journalists and media channels in this country to provide mutual solidarity to continue reporting on this case to obtain the right and fair solution.” He continued

Further explained that journalists are agents of transformation, therefore journalists and all channels must continue to follow the journalist code of ethics, social communication laws and all journalist principles in carrying out their duties as journalists everywhere to ensure and guarantee press freedom and free expression in Timor-Leste.

Reported by    : Ekipa estajiada

Picture by        : Dodi

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